One Lucky Magician

One Lucky Magician

A look back over the last 15 years!

I simply cannot believe, it doesn’t time fly, with my birthday this weekend I am estimating that I have been performing professionally for 15 years.

Now where did that time go??

I have been paid proffesionally to perform all over the UK from south coast all the way north as Cumbria and even in America.

I have performed in tents, castles, boats, nightclubs and even for celebrities and met some interesting characters. One Lucky Magician

I think looking back I would never have guessed I would have had such a varied adventure.

One Lucky Magician

Here is a short list of some of the stranger bookings I have do


–          Performed at a funeral

–          Performed at a childrens party where the children hadnt been invited so was just for 1 person

–          Performed at a product launch where no one turned up.

–          I have performed for 1 year olds birthday as well as 100 yr olds!

–          Performed at a garden party with people naked in a jacuzzi


On the flip side I have been so fortunate to meet some of the nicest, humblest, most insirational people in my life.


I am one lucky magician!