STEP (Steps Towards Extraordinary Potential) Book by Spencer Wood and Lee Smith. Review

STEP Book by Spencer Wood and Lee Smith. Review

step book spencer wood lee smith reviewI was lucky enough to receive a copy of this book and I had mixed feelings with what to expect.

I thought I would share with the community my fair and honest review. It would be the least I could do.


As a consumer, my experience with these self-help, how to become a billionaire style books was somewhat limited only reading a handful of titles.

Almost 20 years ago I had studied the Dave Dee course, and I have read a couple of books with my favourite being ‘Awaken the Giant Within’ by Tony Robbins which was recommended to me by the master magician Michael Vincent, so the bar was set very high.


What I was looking for was an easy reading book (I am dyslexic), which isn’t mainly focussed on making a zillion pounds and was written tactfully without some massive ego.

This book delivers in spades (sorry bad pun). The ideas given are not revolutionary and were fairly safe in so much as, if you implemented the ideas and put in the effort no doubt you would reap the rewards.

There are some tried and tested novel suggestions which made the reading refreshing.


It is clear that both Lee and Spencer are passionate and are practicing what they preach and I have no doubt they would be successful in whatever they do.


What I like specifically about the book that it is littered with wise and cautionary words which we take very much for granted, but are super important e.g. coping with stress, financial management.


I simply love this book and love the content and would not hesitate recommending it to anyone.

STEP Book by Spencer Wood and Lee Smith. Review score – 8/10


To make this a fair review it is only accurate to mention the negatives, but this is only my opinion.

This book is set out like a hard copy book so if reading it digitally, it is set out in columns making a little more tricky.

Although the book is set out well and looks aesthetically pleasing, there are key phrases and words which are in bold format to make them stand out. Personally I find this a little annoying.

Overall, no questions asked, buy, borrow or steal this book